If your Sage 50 software is getting crashed after you upgraded your Windows version, you are not alone. It is one of the very common issues that Sage 50 users face. There are different reasons that may cause this type of error, also there are multiple methods to resolve this error. First, let us look into the various reasons behind this common error:
- Your windows 10 update installation is incomplete.
- Windows installation files are corrupted.
- Fall creators of the windows installation are causing the error.
Now when we know about the various reasons behind this error, let us now look into the various methods to resolve the error:
- Identify and check your operating system
- Set your Sage 50 program to compatibility mode
- Fixing Sage 50 2018 error
- Fixing the error by launching notepad with admin right
In the next section, we will look into the step-wise step process to resolve the error with the help of the above methods.
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Troubleshooting Methods and Their Steps to Resolve the Error
Solution 1. Identify and check your operating system
- First, check and identify the operating system you are using, when you change the registry, your operating system will be affected severely.
- Ensure to back up your company files before doing so.
Solution 2. Set your Sage 50 program to compatibility mode
Step1. At the start you should First, right-click on Sage 50 > click on properties > compatibility tab.
Step 2. Now click on the compatibility mode section box and from the drop-down menu select your windows 8.
Step 3. After that, you should click on ok and open the Sage program again.
Step 4. And after ensuring that Sage 50 does not show a crashing error while opening, run the program as admin and check Scales of High DPI override.
Step 5. Make sure to follow these steps on all the machines which have windows 10 and even with the server software.
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Solution 3. Fixing Sage 50 2018 error
Step 1. First of all, right-click on the Sage 50 accounting software icon on your desktop and then click on properties.
Step 2. Now click on the compatibility tab and click the compatibility mode section box and click on windows 8 from the drop-down.
Step 3. Now to save the changes click on Ok and turn off the properties window.
Step 4. At last, right-click on Sage 50 software icon, unpin it from the taskbar, in case it is located on the quick launch toolbar, modify the desktop icon, and re-pin the icon moving it from the Quick launch bar.
Solution 4. Fixing the error by launching notepad with admin right
Step 1. Start by clicking on Start menu > and then type Note pad in the search box and press enter.
Step 2. After that in the second step open the Notepad by right-clicking on it and running it as an admin.
Step 3. In this step, go ahead and click on File open and open the host files and change the type of all files from text document ‘.txt to all files’.
Step 4. Now you need to follow the path C:Windowssystem32driversetchosts, and then go ahead and add this line at the beginning of each file: 0.0.1 localhost.
Step 5. Lastly, you need to ensure to ignore all the files which have a # sign at the beginning of the line, save the changes and launch Sage 50 and test it.
In the End:
There are some frequently asked questions that we have collated to help you further on the related topics, you can refer to these questions as a cheat sheet when you are resolving the error or have any other related doubts
How can I get to know which version is the latest version for Sage payroll?
Well, to keep you updated that the latest version number for Sage payroll is 16 and it is compliant with 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 tax years. You should know that the full name is Sage instant payroll V16.00.
Do you know what are the steps to enter payments for employees in Sage 50cloud payroll?
You need to first start by choosing the employees that you wished to pay in the current period. After that you can continue by clicking on payroll and entering payments. And then you should enter the number of hours and different rates for payment and deductions (as per law of the land). Go ahead and verify the amounts entered by clicking on the summary tab. After that, click on save and close. Ensure that you do not forget to repeat all the steps after clicking on the payroll for each employee.
Can you let me know how I can restore a Sage backup file on my computer?
At first, you need to click on menu > and then click File > and then click restore and click on Next. Then click on the files you wish to restore and click Next > then click on browse and locate and double click on the backup that you wish to restore and click next and finish.
Is there any way I can be allowed to run two companies on Sage?
Yes, you need to have a multi-company license to do so and then you can be allowed to process the information for more than one company on your system completely independent of each other on Sage 50. Each company in Sage 50 accounting software has its own set of data files with different systems and ledger settings from one another.
What are the steps to troubleshoot or fix the Sage 50 errors?
First of all, start by clicking on File and then click on Maintenance and then recovery tools. After that when you are prompted, you need to click on back up. Now recalculate the order allocations and then click on OK. Now click on recalculate project history and click OK and close. After that when you are prompted to check the data again, click on Yes.