Sometimes, you may need to stop or start the Pervasive Service in Sage 50 that demands advanced networking understanding. Sometimes you will also have to restart Sage Service Host and Pervasive/Action services both on the Real Estate Accounting Server and on the Sage Construction when finding an error.
But you don’t need to worry about it any more, because today in this blog we are going to tell you how you can actually fix this error.
First of all, you can check whether the issue is continuing by restarting the system. You can check if all users of that computer have left Sage Construction, Real Estate and Sage Estimation software and restart a Data Based Engine, if you experience a Pervasive/Action database engine error in a machine.
Stopping or Starting Method of Sage Pervasive Service:
Note: You must always begin restarting on the Sage data hosting workstation or server
Solution I: Task Manager Stop and Restart Pervasive:
- Make sure all systems have the Sage closed.
- Place a blank spot in the taskboard, right click and select Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete button on your keyboard is pressed to load the task manager simultaneously).
- Go to the tab Details and search for exe.
- At the end of the procedure choose the process and press end task.
- Go to the top tab for services, arrange by name and search psqIWGE.
- Click right to start the psqIWGE.
Solution II: Service Menu Stopping and Restarting Pervasive:
Note: Only For Windows 7, 8 or 10 this procedure may be taken.
- On the keyboard press Windows + R.
- Enter MSC, and choose OK.
- Right click on Sage 50 Smart Posting and then click Stop.
- Right-click the Pervasive PSQL work-group Engine and click Stop.
- To start the Sage SmartPosting right-click and then click Start.
- Now right click on the Pervasive PSQL Engine Workgroup and choose Start.
Note: The Windows Task Manager on the Services tab provides an easier version of the Services menu. The psqlWGE database service Sage 50 Smart Posting and Pervasive can be initiated or terminated from the menu with the right click.
Solution III: Stop and Restart Pervasive with Command Prompt:
- Click on the keys Windows + R.
- Enter cmd and then click OK.
Note: It is important to promote rights by right clicking on the Command Prompt from the start menu and selecting Run as the administrator if User Account Controlling is simplifying.
- Enter sc stop psqlwge and press Enter.
- Type in sc start psqlwge, then tap Enter.
- Shut off prompt command.
Note: To effectively stop all Pervasive occurrences, the task kills authority can be used (example: taskkill /F / im w3dbsmgr.exe)
Solution IV: Windows Desktop, Pervasive Client engine or work group:
- Click on Start > Settings, then Control Panel.
- Double-click the Administrative Tools and click Services.
- In the right pane, select the Pervasive PSQL workgroup Engine.
- Now just click Stop, on the Action.
- And finally click restart on the Action menu,
Last Words
We hope that now you can easily stop or start the service in Sage without any difficulties. However, in cases of issues or queries you may contact our well-versed staff of specialists whenever you have a problem. To get connected and learn more, Simply you may contact our trained professionals for help.