Sage software is specifically developed to account for financial companies in small and medium-sized companies. The software offers rich features and tools for simplifying companies’ financial and accounting activities in different sectors. The Sage software is also a repository for important financial documents. The company files and data are stored in the Sage accounting software in different file extensions. INI is one of the extensions accepted for the financial documents of the company to be saved.
Where can you find the.INI file in Sage 50?
Method I: Making Use of an INI Extension File
- Hold down the WINDOWS KEY+E key combination.
- Open the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Peach (C:\Program Files\Common Files:Peach on a 32-bit system).
- Run the setup file for the Sage 50 version you’re using.
Note: If you are notified, choose a programme and then Notepad.
- Peachtree250.ini is the 2018 version.
- Peachtree240.ini is the 2017 version.
- Peachtree230.ini is the 2016 version.
- Peachtree220.ini is the 2015 version.
- Peachtree210.ini is the 2014 version.
- Peachtree200.ini is the 2013 version.
- Scroll down to find the data path and search for the name which begins with DATAPATH=.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the sixth or seventh paragraph and look for the first line with PROGRAMPATH=.
Also Read: Sage 50 2019 INI File Location
Method II: Sage and the Icon Properties
To find the data path, perform the following steps:
- Begin the Sage 50 program.
- Click Open Company after selecting the appropriate file.
Ensure that you do not select the option Open Previous Company
- Moved to the corner of the box to make the whole directory visible.
- The data path is the directory that is derived from the truncated orthography of the company.
To find the path to the programme, do this:
- On the right, click the Sage shortcut icon.
- Go to Properties.
- If you take the blue marked path on the Target line, the programme path is Select Exe.
When you choose Open File Location, the programme path will be displayed
Last Words
We hope that by following the steps outlined above, you were able to locate your data file on Sage 50. You may contact our well-versed staff of specialists whenever you have a problem. To get connected and learn more, Simply you may contact our trained professionals for help