Printing Error in Paperless Office After Sage update

Printing error in paperless office after Sage update

As a business owner, if you are using Sage accounting software or ERP program then you will have to install Sage 100 paperless office for meeting your printing needs. It is one of the modules of Sage 100, which will help you in printing your invoices, bills, and other documents as required. It also helps in saving the document that you created through Sage accounting software as PDF on your system. Later, you can view it as a PDF or edit it if need be.

So, from time to time, you may need to update the Sage program on your computer, so that you can get access to the latest features and do not face any compatibility issues. But sometimes when you update the Sage, you will come across printing errors in the Paperless office. You can get one of the following printing errors after Sage update:

  1. Error message: ‘Unable to process the lock file, printer not activated, error code -30’
  2. Or you can simply get the error message ‘-30’
  3. You can get error message like ‘Printer not activated’
  4. Or you can also get the error like ‘error code 41’

In the next section, we will look into the step-wise step process to deal with these errors. 

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How can you deal with Printing Errors in a Paperless office after Sage Update- Step-Wise Step Process?

Reinstallation of Sage 100 PDF Converter from Paperless Office Advanced Options

  • First start by right-clicking on Sage 100 shortcut and select ‘run as administrator’ option. After that log into Sage 100.
  • Now click on file and then Run from Sage 100 toolbar. And then type, PL_Advancedoptions_Ui.
  • After the above step, click on OK and then click on Ok again and select the default date. After that select ‘install converter’
  • Now when you are done with the above, exit the paperless office advanced options and then go ahead and try printing through the paperless office again.

For Sage 100 Version 4.30 – 4.50, you Can Try Below Steps:

  • First of all, verify that ‘User account control’ is set to ‘Never notify’ and then reboot your workstation.
  • Now uninstall the Sage 100 ERP workstation setup, and then reinstall it on your system.
  • Now click on start from your windows desktop /computer and click on Devices and printers.
  • After clicking on devices and printers, right-click on Sage 100 PDF converter printer and click on printer properties.
  • Now navigate to the port tab and click on Add port and then create a new port with the name of ‘Sage’ and then click on Apply.
  • Now you need to navigate to the security tab and choose the Everyone group and ensure that check box options for Print, manage this printer and Manage documents are selected.
  • Once you are done with step 6, click on Apply and accept all the changes and test again the Paperless office printing program.

High Security Resolution if you Were Unable to add the Port

There can be a group policy or log on script that must be preventing access to the local resources. You can take below steps, if you are facing this issue.

  • From the windows desktop, click on start and then choose devices and printers.
  • After that, right-click on Sage 100 PDF converter and go to printer properties.
  • Now on the ports tab click on ‘Add port’ and highlight the local port and then click on the ‘New port’.
  • Now name the port as ‘Sage’ and click Ok and then click on OK once again.
  • After that test the paperless office printing again to check if it is working fine.

Now let us look into some frequently asked questions to help you out further in this topic.


What are the simple steps to perform the printing function through Sage ?

The process is actually quite simple i.e., after installing the Sage program, click on the print tab or button and select the printer setup, then you need to select the correct PDF writer and click on OK and then click on print. Now you need to verify the file name and location to be saved and then click OK.

How can I resolve the Lock file error message in Sage 100?

This generally happens after the Windows 10 update. You can resolve the error by clicking on the start button and type ‘regedit’ without quotes. Once the program gets open, run the command and navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG | Software and then right click on software and click on permissions. Now select the user group and ensure that ‘Allow box’ is checked off under full control option and click on OK.

Can you let me know the process to reinstall Sage PDF converter?

You need to first click on start from windows and then type UAC in the search box and hit enter. After that, you need to change the slider value to the left of the screen to select the option ‘Never’. Then reboot your system, it is a mandatory step, so do not skip it. Lastly from printers and devices, right click on the sage 100 pdf converter

What are the process steps to print the sales invoices on Sage?

You can start by going to the task menu, and select the Sales/invoicing. Once you give the command and the Sage/ invoicing window gets open, select the print drop-down button and choose the invoices that you want to print from the menu. Choose your preference from the print preview window and print your invoice.

What are the process steps to email the invoice or quotation on Sage?

You need to start by going to the sales invoices, and then choose the invoices that you want to email and after that click on print invoice, now choose the required layout and click on email from the toolbar. After that click on yes to continue and then complete the required info in send as attachment window and click on OK. Now you can go ahead and send it to the recipient as required.