In sage 2020 cloud accounting software, if the check data options return with any bugs, then you need to stop the processing immediately until the errors have been resolved. Read this blog to know about the Sage 2020 database repair utility. It will save your precious time and make things easy to manage once again.
Why is the Sage 50 2020 Database Repair Utility Required?
- When user found improper instances of the pervasive database engine
- Error due an outdated, corrupted, or missing file in the data path
- when error appears while connecting to the data path across the network
Things You Need to Consider Before Creating a Path with Sage 50 2020 Database Repair utility
The user has to replace the pervasive database engine and then create a new local data path. If you experience any issues then you need to analyze the component first.
- Check and ensure about the network connectivity issues
- If you detect any issue such as damaged or corrupted files. Then, you need to re-install the latest service
Point to be noted: Always, download the new copy of the applications of the database repair utility to check updates availability before heading to run this tool.
How to Troubleshoot the Sage 50 2020 Database Repair utility?
The processing is beginning with R2020, then the rename of all Pervasive components. In the R20202, the user has to install and remove all options. The below-mentioned guidelines help you accurately run the Sage 50:
- When the tool starts running, then all necessary files to the function will be extracted
- Read all terms & conditions and agree with the End-user license agreement to run the tool
The User Has Three Choices Within the Tool:
Method 1: Remove the Pervasive utility will help you to uninstall pervasive from the local system

The removed Pervasive utility will help you to uninstall the pervasive from the local system. This utility is generally utilized in conjunction with the install pervasive utility. It is necessary to ensure that all users logged out and then close Sage 50 before utilizing the utility. It’s all starting this utility that is a message that will provide a reminder.
If your first attempt fails to uninstall the Pervasive. No need to worry, again run the process again and then succeed pervasively.
Method 2: Now, you have to install the Pervasive with the following guidelines:

Install Pervasive utility from the Install Pervasive utility to the local PC and automatically patch it with all required updates. This utility is usually utilized in conjunction with the Remove Pervasive utility. It is necessary to make sure that all users have logged out and closed all Sage 50 programs. While starting the process, reminders will update your screen.
Method 3: Once you done with two steps then you get access to create a new local data path

In this step, create the new local data path utility which generates a new Sage 50 data path directory including the factory-default files. This offers a clean set of files for Sage 50 to fix the error issue along the existing data path. You also have the choice to copy a Sage 50 company to the new data path directory to verify the existing company along the new data path.
Winding-up Words

We hope the above information was enough to get complete details about the Sage 50 2020 database repair utility. It will help you to fix your Sage 50 database issue without any hassle. Get in touch with the QuickBooks help desk for more information.
How can I change the Sage data path?
The first step is to browse the company file where you utilize your Sage accounts. Hit double-click on the company file and then choose the “Open with Notepad” option. Then, you can change the paths in the company file to view the new data location. Click on the File and then choose the Save button. Once the file is saved then hit the Exit button to save the program.
How can I resolve the errors in the Sage data?
Choose the file and click on the Restore option. Now, browse the location to view the backup file. Hit the open button and click on the yes button. Enter all required details in the given section and click the OK button. Go to the File menu and then choose the Maintenance option to check and verify the data